Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey guys!!!

Well first of all i would like to thank everyone for the packages and letters you guys sent to me, i just barely got them this week but they were super awesome! I enjoyed my Goldfish, Easy Mac, and all the letters and candy you guys sent me, you guys are the best:) Also i'm excited to see pictures of all the great thanksgiving food you guys are going to eat this week, unfortunately... I will not be celebrating it this year... :( But it's okay, i'll eat a Turkey sandwich and call it good.

Well this week has been another super busy one. I feel like i say this every week but this week really was. Haha, opening the area here hasn't been too easy, because we haven't had much of anything. But on Friday and Saturday we ended up contacting like crazy and found a ton of cool people! So after a week and a half of nothing we got overloaded with awesome people the last 2 days of the week, so that was definitely a blessing for us. Our area is HUGE and we have a mix of areas that are super, super poor and other parts that are super ´fresa´ as they´re called here. haha, or super rich. But it´s a cool area. We moved into our new house on Tuesday and it's really really nice! ill send pictures later. But the only problem is that we live on the edge of the area so we're not close to anything at all. Dad was asking about how we are doing it with 4 missionaries in the ward and we made a division in the area with the bishopric and me and Elder Porras are assigned to work in one part, and the Zone leaders in the other part. But more than anything it's just split up for the investigators and less active members, and we eat together all 4 of us everyday. Which is cool. The Zone leaders are crazy. 

What else happened this week.. We also had interviews with the president on Wednesday which was awesome! I love President Rodriguez, and i always leave feeling inspired and con más ganas de trabajar (more desire to work)... I don't remember how to say that normally in English... haha. i'm excited to talk to you guys in a few weeks so you can hear my broken english now! it's pretty funny, i don't know how it will be trying to have a conversation in english now, but i guess we'll see how it goes:) But i always love talking with President and then being able to see Elder Islas all the time. He's so cool! When we both finish our mission he is going to come visit us in Plano, just a heads up:)

Also yesterday me and Elder Porras were asked to speak in church, and i spoke on making weak things strong. And i focused my talk on one of my favorite scriptures! it's in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. It's a super powerful scripture, you guys should look it up! But in the scripture it says something really interesting, Paul is talking and it says at the end ''...for when i am weak, then am I strong'' And it made me think a lot reading this scripture! But really God gives us weaknesses because he knows we have the potential to overcome them, but he also knows that the only way our weaknesses will be strengthened will be if we come to Him for His help. Because it's only through His grace that we are able to overcome our weaknesses, and being sufficiently humble enough to recognize that we aren't perfect. God lets us fall because he knows we have the ability to get up stronger. And God will always be there in the exact moment that we need it to be able to overcome whatever challenge we have. He´s waiting there with His hand extended ready to lift us up, we just have to be take His hand and use His help.

Well, in this time of Thanksgiving I would like to tell you guys thanks for everything. Thanks for all the support and love you give me, i wish you guys understood how much it helps me in hard times. Thanks for always being there for me and for always making me smile. you guys are crazy and i wouldn't trade you guys for anyone else, i love you guys SOOO much and i always have a prayer in my heart for you. I miss you and i hope you have a great week this week and remember to always have gratitude for the things that you have, because being here i've seen that really there are people with  A LOT less. 

Also, i don't remember if i already mentioned this or not but our bishop's 4 year old daughter has been having surgeries all week in Monterrey on her heart, and right now things aren't looking very good. So if you guys could keep her and her family in your prayers this week that would be great. 


Elder Pajarito 

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