Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hey guys! Well we came in early to get the transfers from the assistants and i am going to be going to... ACUÑA!! Which is even FARTHER away from Saltillo than Piedras Negras, it's about an hour farther up north, and right on the border still. It's the farthest place away in the mission but i'm excited! Really really sad to leave my area actually. i didn't think i would be so sad about it but it was really hard saying goodbye to people yesterday (idk why it surprises me everytime how hard it is to leave an area). But anyways so i leave in about 2 hours to travel 8 hours to saltillo, and then tomorrow i'll be getting my kid and then leaving to travel the 9 hours in bus to Acuñatomorrow night, which will put me there at around 1 in the morning probably.. and i have no idea where the house is or anything about Acuña. Haha, so that should be fun!!!

Well i got to go finish packing guys but i will try to get on later tonight when im in the mission offices, just wanted to let you guys know what was up!!

I love you alll!! Have a great day at school and at work!!! :)

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